The ILP Relicensing Process
Relicensing of the South SWP Hydropower Project (Project) follows the Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) as designated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The first step in this process is the filing of a Notice of Intent (NOI) and a Pre-Application Document (PAD). The information in the PAD allows FERC and relicensing participants to identify data gaps and help form study requests to acquire information which will be needed in developing the new license. Filings throughout the process will be made available to the public on this project relicensing website. The schedule of relicensing meetings will also be included on this website. Certain information may be restricted from publication on the relicensing website in accordance with FERC’s regulations protecting Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) or in cases where the document contains sensitive information (e.g. cultural resource sites, sensitive species locations, etc.). The Licensees will address requests for access to this information on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with applicable law, as needed during the relicensing process.Integrated Licensing Process Steps
- Licensees file Pre-Application Document (PAD) and Notice of Intent (NOI) to relicense the Project (August 1, 2016). The PAD contains:
- Synopsis of the known information relevant to relicensing
- Detailed description of the Project
- Explanation of the relicensing process and the schedule to be followed
- Suggested needed studies and investigations
- FERC conducts scoping
- Reviews information, refines issues, explores data gaps, and finalizes the process schedule (Scoping Document 1 issued September 30, 2016; Scoping Document 2 issued January 13, 2017)
- Holds site visit and public scoping meetings
- Licensees file Proposed Study Plan (PSP; January 13, 2017)
- Discuss study plan and work to resolve disagreements, if any (Any recommended studies or information requests must have a Project nexus and be necessary to obtain information essential for relicensing)
- File Revised Study Plan (RSP; May 15, 2017)
- FERC issues its Study Plan Determination (June 14, 2017)
- Dispute resolution process for mandatory conditioning agencies is available if needed
- FERC Director issues Study Dispute Determination (September 13, 2017) if needed
- Studies are conducted and Licensees issue Initial Study Report (ISR; May 15, 2018) for review and comment
- Licensees file Draft License Application (DLA; September 3, 2019) and Final License Application (FLA; January 31, 2020)
- Draft License Application issued for review comment
- Final License Application filed
- FERC complies with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, conducts environmental review, and issues final environmental assessment
- FERC issues new license with new terms and conditions
- Licensees file Pre-Application Document (PAD) and Notice of Intent (NOI) to relicense the Project (August 1, 2016). The PAD contains:
SSWP FERC Notices (88.5 KiB)
SSWP FERC Orders (118.1 KiB)
SSWP Project Documents (119.1 KiB)