The South SWP Hydropower Project (Project) is located along a larger water storage and delivery system, the State Water Project (SWP), which is the largest state-owned and operated water supply project of its kind in the United States. The SWP provides southern California with many benefits, including affordable water supply, reliable regional clean energy, opportunities to integrate green energy, accessible public recreation, and environmental benefits. The Project, with a licensed installed capacity of 1,350 megawatts (MW), is located in Los Angeles County along the West Branch of the SWP.
The Project’s primary facilities range in elevation from 3,325 feet to 1,130 feet. The Warne Power Development facilities include Quail Lake, Lower Quail Canal, Peace Valley Pipeline Intake Embankment, Peace Valley Pipeline, Gorman Bypass Channel, William E. Warne Powerplant, Warne Transmission Line (owned and operated by Southern California Edison) and associated structures. The Castaic Power Development facilities include Pyramid Dam, Pyramid Lake, Angeles Tunnel and penstocks, Castaic Powerplant, Elderberry Forebay Dam, Elderberry Forebay, and Castaic Transmission Line.
Excluding the transmission lines, the Project’s existing Project boundary includes 6,928.0 acres of land, of which 2,807.28 acres are federal lands. Of the federal lands, 2,790.02 acres are within the Angeles and Los Padres National Forests under the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS), and are managed by the Angeles National Forest (ANF). The remaining 17.26 acres of federal lands are administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), Bureau of Land Management (BLM).